Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who does Alix look like...Jess or Jer?

I think Jeremy comes up with all the good ideas! He thought it would be fun to post our baby pictures and see who everybody thinks Alix looks like. I have yet to decide who she looks like more, I think I change my mind everyday! But at least she is a cutie! Let us know what you think!

Jeremy's baby picture

Alix's picture

Jess' baby picture


Jamie said...

I think she has your nose! I love how round her face is:).

Jen said...

looking at those pictures it's totally you!! She's so stinkin' cute!!

Candice said...

What a cutie pie! I definetly have to say, she's a Wolfley. Now don't get me wrong, she's gorgegous, but I see a ton of your Dad, maybe it's just that her eyes are closed. I remember your Dad had his eyes closed a lot, while sitting up on the stand in the bishopric. Ah, childhood memories.:) Greg'll probably get a kick out of that. Tell him I say hi, by the way.
Congrats, by the way! You'll love being parents - it's the greatest adventure there is.
Have fun, the time will fly!

MAYBERRY said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!!

mrp670 said...

The first time I saw her I knew she had Jess' nose. Apparently sh e has the rest of her too.

Sheila Buchei said...

I think she's a great combination of both of you - she's a beaut! I especially like the star/footprint blanket in the background of all the pics - LOL!

Tecia said...

I think she is a mix of the both of you, but in the picture she looks like Jessica in person I thought more Jeremey. Give it six months then they start really changing:)

Greg / Nancy said...

We believe that Candice (the comedianette) may be right. Alix actually looks a lot like Grandpa Greg. Take a look at the most recent picture of Alix on Greg and Nancy's blog. "Wolfleystuff"

jchushing said...

Well, looking at the baby pics, you have no choice but to pick Jess.

The Whitney's said...


Greg / Nancy said...

Looks more like Jerry.from Levi